For Rationel, a sustainable approach means delivering products that encourage wellbeing, deliver a good indoor climate, and help maintain a healthier society. Our windows and doors are designed to minimise environmental impact, and are responsibly manufactured with a focus on quality and a long operational lifetime.
It is important to us to take good care of our shared resources and to give back to society. That’s why we are committed to the recycling of the waste products generated during manufacture, and of our windows and doors at end of life. In addition, we support environmental, social and cultural initiatives through the work of our two non-profit foundations.
We also provide evidence of our sustainable approach. This includes the ‘Indoor Climate Label’, which is carried on all our products, our use of FSC®-certified wood, and an extensive testing programme to prove the durability of our products. Together, these demonstrate that Rationel windows and doors are sustainably produced, support a healthy indoor climate and reduce CO2 emissions in the home, in turn making our products an investment in quality and sustainability.

Windows and doors
…for the ideal indoor climate
Read more about the positive contribution our products make to:
- air quality
- daylight levels
- sound insulation
- security

Windows and doors
…as a long-term investment
- long life expectancy
- quality and durability
- warranties

Windows and doors
…that give back
- our use of FSC® certified wood
- how 93% of the materials used in our products can be recycled
- how we give back to the community
Test certification